Nanhaizi Park - Largest Wetland Park in Beijing


As one of the four major country parks in Beijing, Nanhaizi Park is also the largest wetland park in Beijing, with overall floor area of 11 km2 after completion. Situated on south side of the south 5th ring road on northeast part of Daxing District, and between Daxing New City and Yizhuang New City, it is the first major ecological engineering to implement the south urban action plan in Beijing. Five scenic spots including the main gate landscape region on southeast part, the mountain landscape region in southwest part, the wet land style and feature region in west part, the autumn landscape region in north part and the gardening landscape region in east part have been formed in the park.

Opening hours: all day long

Address: South Park ring road, Daxing District, Beijing

Traffic route: Tourists can take metro Line at Yizhuang Station to East Jiugong Station, and then take No. 953 Bust to Zhongxingzhuang Station, and then walk for about 832 m to arrive at the south gate of Nanhaizi Park.


1) East 4th ring Xiaocun Bridge → Santaishan Road → Xiaohongmen Road → East Jiugong Road → Huaizhong Road → South Gate of the Park

2) Yizhuang direction of south 5th ring road → West Zhiyuan Bridge → entering into south central axle Road → Huangyi Road → South Gate of the Park
