Vegetarian Restaurants Worth to Try in Beijing


Want healthy and delicious dishes yet still linger over awesome meat? Don't worry. These veggie restaurants in Beijing would fully satisfy you.

Lotus in Moonlight Vegetarian

Lotus in Moonlight Vegetarian distinguishes itself from its kind by integration of civil vegetarian food, court vegetarian food and European and American vegetarian food on the basis of temple vegetarian food. It is also a stickler for fine ingredients and cooking process.

Address: Building 12, Liufangnanli, Chaoyang District (Liufang Branch) 柳芳店朝阳区柳芳南里12号楼

Natural Vegetarian

Natural Vegetarian is a veggie restaurant. Featuring simple white decor and plain and elegant surroundings, it is just like a land of idyllic beauty. Different from insipid “temple diet”, it offers a vast selection of veggie dishes with diverse cooking ways. It has created many distinctive dishes with unique innovation and taste. Its standout dish “Yizhichan” (Sausage-shaped Mock Meat) mainly comes with soy protein with hericium erinaceus, konjak and such. Short and exquisite as it is, it would give you a crispy and mind-freshing mouthfeel and a unique taste.

Address: west of Jiali Building, No. 14-9, Area 1, Anhuili, Asian Games Village, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京市朝阳区亚运村安慧里一区14-9加利大厦西
