Customs about the End of Heat


The End of Heat (Chushu) heralds the arrival of autumn in meteorological term. In the wake of this solar term, Beijing will see a gradual drop in temperature. As the End of Heat right falls on the 15th day of the 7th month of Chinese lunar calendar, there is no shortage of customs about the day. “Half July”, commonly known as Ghost Festival, ushers in many customs in relation to worship and releasing souls from purgatory. Here is a list of customs about the End of Heat.

▶ Autumn-welcoming Excursion

Most customs around the End of Heat are relevant to worshiping ancestors and welcoming autumn. Around the day, there are many folk customs in celebration of the “Zhongyuan Festival”. Moreover, following the End of Heat, autumn comes to reign supreme, perfect for an excursion to suburbs to enjoy the scenery as it changes gradually from summer to autumn. There goes a saying of “enjoying the clouds of various forms in July and August (lunar month)” all along to this effect of “going on an excursion to embrace autumn”.

▶ Eating Duck

Duck has a sweet flavor and a “cool” nature according to Chinese traditional medicine. Hence, China has a long tradition of eating duck during the End of Heat period. And there are many recipes for cooking duck such as sliced boiled duck, cooked duck with lemon, sautéed duck with ginger shoots, roast duck, steamed duck in lotus leaf and smoked duck with walnut dressing. Till today, the tradition of eating duck still enjoys popularity in Beijing - Beijingers will go to duck restaurants for marinated duck with lily bulbs usually during the days of End of Heat. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that duck benefits health in every way. Sweet and salty duck with a “cool” nature can nourish the stomach-yin, clear damp and make for subsidence of a swelling.

▶ Eating Longan with Porridge

In southern China, Fuzhou locals eat longan with porridge during the days of End of Heat, for people have consumed excessive energy in the hot summer and eating longan can replenish energy. According to traditional Chinese medicine, longan has a warm nature, and can tonify and nourish body. For the older generation, they prefer shelling a bowl of longan and eating them with porridge.

▶ Floating River Lanterns

River lantern, also known as “lotus lantern”, often has a lamp or candle on the base. On the evening of Zhongyuan Festival, people float river lanterns in rivers, lakes and seas, giving free rein to them. By floating river lanterns, people wish to rest ghosts that died of drowning and other ways in rivers.

▶ Boiling Herbal Tea

Since the Tang Dynasty, boiling herbal tea has gained great popularity. During the End of Heat period every year, all houses have a habit of making herbal tea - they will go to TCM pharmacy to have pharmacists prescribed them and then boil herbal tea at home. In their view, bitter herbal tea that can clear heat, reduce inflammation and help digestion is good for health. Back in 1960s or 1970s, there were tea booths trading in plum syrup along streets in the city, hence the jingle of “a bowl of plum syrup on the End of Heat day clears the internal heat away”. During the End of Heat period, people should turn to food that can clear internal heat and calm the nerves, such as tremella, lily, lotus seed, honey, kelp, celery, spinach, glutinous rice and sesame. In addition, juice drink, soybean milk and milk are all good drink choices. At the same time, people should eat less spicy and pan- and deep-fried food with high calorie.

▶ Fishing Season Festival

For coastal fishermen, the End of Heat is the start of harvest season. During this period every year, the Fishing Season Festival is held in regions along the coastline of the East China Sea in Zhejiang province. And it is fixed on the day when the fishing ban ends to celebrate fishermen’s going fishing on the sea again.
