Adorable Islands in Beijing and Hebei


Summer is a lovely season perfect for a vocation. In summer, kids have long holidays and parents can spend the annual vacation to accompany their kids. How is summer holiday? Have you already painted a leisure picture of seaside vocation in your mind where there are sunshine, beach, seawater, SPA, and delicious food, singing a song of summer?

▶ Jinsha Island

Located in the Bohai Sea in southwestern Laoting County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, Jinsha Island is an arc-shaped sand island composed of 11 intermittently connected sandbanks. The island is given the name "Jinsha", which literally means "golden sand", as it is covered by soft yellow sand that is shiny in the sun.

Every year in May and November, hordes of red-crowned cranes and grey cranes would come to the island, which is a great surprise to the lucky witnesses, and there are also numerous seagulls freely foraging on the beach.

Facing Bodhi Island across the sea, Jinsha Island is located at the west end of Dawanggang Island. There are farmyards serving seafood barbecue, and you can bring your tent to the seaside and experience the feeling of camping outdoors, which is quite romantic and interesting.

Name: 金沙岛

Ticket: 60 yuan

Address: southwestern Laoting County, Tangshan City 唐山市乐亭县西南渤海中

▶ Xiangyun Island

Xiangyun Island is bowling-shaped, the largest fine sand island in China formed under the alluviation of rivers and tides. Xiangyun Island is an offshore sandbank island without obvious separation with the land in terms of its geomorphic features. That is to say, the island is not isolated from land. It is hard to define Xiangyun Island as an island simply from its geomorphic characteristics.

Pedestrians have reached the coastline when they go northwards and come down here from the Laoting Plain, but they may still feel far from the seaside as the dense forest veils their eyes. After passing through this area of 11.3km2, the pedestrians will be suddenly exposed to an azure sea.

Name: 祥云岛

Address: on the Gold Coast of the Bohai Bay, 5km to the southeast of Haigang Development Zone, Tangshan City 唐山市海港开发区西南5公里渤海湾黄金海岸处

▶ Bodhi Island

Bodhi Island (aka Puti Island) is located in the Bohai Bay in southwestern Tangshan. Don't underestimate it. It is the largest island in North China.

It is given the name because there are more than 1,000 bodhi trees over 100 years old that are rarely seen in northern China.

Bodhi Island ranks the seventh in the national selection activity of "Beautiful Islands" worldwide.

The island covers an area of 5.07km2, with a vegetation coverage rate up to 98%. Strolling in such a natural oxygen bar, your lung would be purification as if it can filter out all the restlessness and uneasiness.

It is also a famous international bird watching base, where you can see many rare birds in the world, including white storks, black storks, red-crowned cranes, whooper swans, short-tailed albatrosses, and golden eagles. It can be called the paradise of birds.

You have the opportunity to see the wonder of "three suns in the sky" on the island on specific days. On such a fresh island, you can enjoy yourself simply by sitting quietly at the seaside, feeling the sea water licking your feet, and doing nothing in a daze.

Name: 菩提岛

Ticket: 100 yuan

Address: Bohai Sea coast, Laoting County, Tangshan City 唐山市乐亭县渤海之滨

▶ Yuetuo Island

Yuetuo Island is a sand island in the Bohai Bay in southwestern Laoting County. It is given the name because it looks like a crescent moon. The island is nearly 5km from the land. With almost no intruders, it is a good place for a quiet stroll.

The island is bushy and grassy, so it is also known as "Green Island" and "Happy Island". Cave-dwelling crabs can be seen everywhere on the beach. It is the funniest thing to pick up clams and crabs.

The island has the most abundant bird resources in northern China, providing a spectacular view of thousands of flying birds. There are unique Dutch buildings, attracting people with an exotic romantic picture outlined by red-roof wooden houses and green windmills between the sea and the sky.

What is the most palatable for the foodies is the mantis shrimp festival held on a regular basis. You can have delicious mantis shrimps while enjoying the beautiful scenery, which is a great pleasure in life.

Name: 月坨岛

Ticket: 168 yuan

Address: in Bohai Bay, Southwestern Laoting County, Tangshan City 唐山市乐亭县西南的渤海臂湾之中
