Travel Guide to Peking University


Peking University, also called Yan Yuan (the garden of Yan), includes Shuchun Garden, Shao Garden, Langrun Garden, Jingchun Garden, Minghe Garden, Weixiu Garden, Changchun Garden, Chengze Garden and others. This former well-known royal garden in the Ming and Qing dynasties has remained its basic structure and beautiful charm after hundred years of vicissitude. The Yan Yuan in spring should be the paradise on earth, with the fascinating sceneries scattering like starts.

Located by the side of Weiming Lake, Boya Tower is used for water supply. Its designers adopted ingenious concept and followed the styling of Dagoba. With the subtle combination of the majestic tower and the peaceful lake, the two serve as an excellent embodiment of coupling hardness with softness and the highest quality of art. In sunny days, you will see the beautiful picture with Weiming Lake mirroring the shadow of Boya tower on its gentle waves. Weiming Lake is located at the north central in the campus, embraced by lush trees, mountains, and stones. As crystal-clear as the cloudless sky, or as China’s south regions in rainy haze, it is also like the West Lake in the poem of Su Shi, enjoying varied charms that can match well with the different weather. A willow branch is clicking on the lake surface, creating ripples like the dragonfly’s slight touch of water. The wild gooses and fish are also playing here. You will feel pleased when sitting by the lake. Witnessed many masters of Chinese culture talking about the past and today and sharing insights, Weiming Lake has become more profound.

Deep in the south of the Yan Yuan, there is a serene park with lush trees, fragrant flowers, and twittering birds. That is Yannan Garden, honored as “the garden in gardens”. A walk into Yannan Garden may take you travel across time and get back to Peiping. When Yan Yuan was initially constructed, teachers of Peking University used to live here, including the couples of Bingxin (Xie Wanying, litterateur), Zhu Guangqian (aesthetician), Zhou Peiyuan (dynamicist), Ma Yinchu (economist and the former President of Peking University), and Feng Youlan (philosopher), making the park home to the spirits of Peking University.

Many statues of celebrities could also be found in the campus. The public memorial ceremony and the 150th anniversary of the birthday of Cai Yuanpei, China’s well-known educator, revolutionist, and ideologist, were both held in Jing Garden during this Qingming Festival when representatives of Peking University stood before the revolutionary martyr's monument and showed their grief.

Address: No.5, Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District
