Eight Great Sights of Yanjing


Yanjing (Capital of Yan) is an alternative name for the city of Beijing, which was first used in the Liao and Yuan dynasties. The Eight Great Sights of Yanjing are places of historic interest and scenic beauty in and around Beijing. Each of them has a name in which their particular qualities are summarized in lyrical four character phrases, which may be translated as follows: “The Great Wall Surrounded by Lush Greenery at the Juyong Pass”; “Trees Enveloped in Mist at eh Ancient City of Jizhou”; “The Moon over the Lugou Bridge at Dawn”; “The Rainbow Floating over the Jade spring”; “The Western Hills Shimmering in Snow”; “Jade Islet in Shady Springtime”; “Autumn Winds on Taiye”; and “The Golden Terrace in the Glow of the Setting Sun.”
