Self-driving Tour from Beijing to Zhangjiakou


Located in the northwest of Hebei Province, China, Zhangjiakou is a famous city in North China with time-honored history and splendid culture. Since ancient times, Zhangjiakou has been the militarily important town and commercial land port for entering markets of Mongolia, Russia and Eastern Europe. Due to its superior geographic position and regional advantages, Zhangjiakou, the significant holy land, has laid foundation for the harmony and unification of Chinese nation. In addition to the rich historical connotation, Zhangjiakou also enjoys abundant resources of natural landscape. The main Beijing suburb destination accommodates green mountains, blue waters, as well as the desert. Bashang Grassland and Chongli Ski Resort have been greatly favored by tourists.

With the distance from Beijing of approximately 200km, it will take tourists about 2 hours todrive to Zhangjiakou.

Nuanquan Ancient Town

Located in the west of Yu County, Nuanquan Ancient Town gains its fame for the tepid water during four seasons. At present, Nuanquan Ancient Town has been entitled as “Famous Historical and Cultural Town of China” and “National AAA Scenic Area”, featuring the integration of spring, market, ancient building and folk culture. Founded in the Yuan Dynasty, Nuanquan Ancient Town witnessed its expanded scale in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which was embodied by “Three Castles, Six Alleys and Eighteen Villages”. Once being the gateway for Shanxi merchants to do business in Zhangjiakou and the northern regions, Nuanquan Ancient Town was the transportation hub and commercial center of western Yu County.

Grassland Road

Grassland Road spans over 130km in Zhangbei County. Due to its diversified sceneries, it is also known as the “Route 66”. Along the road, picturesque landscape embraces. Grassland, windmill, terrace, village, palisade and birch forest perfectly blend with each other.

Jiming Post House

Seated in Jiming Post Village, Jiming Post Township, Huailai County, Hebei Province, Jiming Post House is the historic remains of post built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Covering a land area of 22,000m2, the approximate square post was surrounded by city walls with perimeter of 1,891.8m. The city walls were made of bricks stuffing rammed earth. The wall foundation is 8-11m wide and 11m high, with the upper width of 3-5m. 4 truncated pyramids distribute beside the 4 walls. In the east and west of the post house, there respectively stands one gatehouse, accompanied by the gate tower and smoke mound outside the city gate. Five cross roads divide the region into 12 lands of different sizes. With the regular building arrangement, the post house locates in the heart; the stable locates in the northwest; the warehouse locates in the northeast; east -to-west post road passes through the western auxiliary city. The left shops and dwellings from the ancient time have been preserved in the city.
