Wuling Mountain - Fairyland with Cloud


Wuling Mountain Scenic Spot

Deep orange smoke trees, light yellow linden leaves, burny maple leaves, and dark red wild fruits, together with blue sky, white clouds, snow peaks, lucid water, and smiling tourists, make Wuling Mountain a picturesque landscape. In late autumn, nonstop light rains make diurnal amplitude rise, and early frost turns lush forests into a colorful picture, the best autumn scene in North China.

Reason for Recommendation: forests full of colors

The best time for sightseeing: late October—mid-November

Ticket: 120 yuan per person for adults

Address: South of Caojialu Village, Miyun District, Beijing北京市密云区曹家路村南

Bus route: tourists of Beijing can take Bus 980 Express at Dongzhimen (东直门) Bus Station to Miyun District, transfer to Miyun Bus 52 and arrive at the north gate of the scenic spot.

Self-drive route: Beijing--Beijing-Chengde Expressway--Simatai Exit--Xinchengzi Town--Caojialu Village--the north gate and west gate of Wuling Mountain


Opening Hours: 08:00-17:30

Parking: parking lot is available

Phone: 010-81022498
