Wofo Temple inside Beijing Botanical Garden


Wofo Temple (Temple of the Reclining Buddha) is located inside the Beijing Botanical Garden, almost 1 km east of the Fragrant Hills.

About 20 kilometers from central Beijing proper, the rear of the temple is set against the mountain cliffs, with its front to open fields.

The temple was first built during the Zhenguan period (627-249) of the Tang Dynasty, when it was also known as Shouansi (Temple of Peaceful Longevity).

It fell into ruin over time and was rebuilt and renamed several times. One of the last major renovations was completed in 1724.

The first structure, the shanmen, serves as the main gate. The second large building is the Devaraja Hall (Hall of the Heavenly Kings) and the third is the Hall of the Buddhas of the Three Worlds. In traditional temples, this would be the largest hall in the compound, but because the fourth hall contains the image of the Reclining Buddha, the situation here is reversed. The famous bronze Buddha is more than five meters long. It lies in a sleeping position, with one arm extended and the other propping up its head, surrounded by 12 smaller Buddhas. According to legend, this scene represents the Buddha on his deathbed giving instructions to his 12 disciples.

Tickets: 5 yuan (US$0.6), but 10 yuan (US$1.2) is required to enter the Botanical Garden.

To get there: Bus 333, 318, 360, 904, or special tour buses from Qianmen. Tel: 6259-1209
