Beijing Art Theatre for Children You Look Tasty


Venue: Theatre

Dates: July 23-27, 2017

Duration: Approximate 90 mins (No intermissions)


In the valley, an ankylosaurus egg rolls to the front of Tyrannosaurus and breaks. The sight of the ankylosaurus baby makes Tyrannosaurus run at the mouth. “You look yummy,” Tyrannosaurus says. Unexpectedly, the baby cries out, “Daddy!” It turns out that the little ankylosaur is called Yummy. Chilantaisaurus, eager to eat Yummy, cruelly says, “Tyrannosaurus is not your Daddy! He will eat you sooner or later!” Since then, both Yummy and Tyrannosaurus feel wronged and sad. Seeing Tyrannosaurus’s sad look, Yummy becomes softhearted. He picks his favorite red fruits and brings them to Tyrannosaurus. Moved by his innocence and kindness, Tyrannosaurus promises not to eat Yummy forever, and teaches him his famous three tricks.

Since then, Tyrannosaurus always eats red fruits but gradually loses his strength. One day, Chilantaisaurus leads Eoraptor to challenge Tyrannosaurus. In order to protect Yummy, Tyrannosaurus put up a good fight against them and gets wounded. He teaches his last trick to Yummy and tells him how to avoid dangers. At that time, Chilantaisaurus leads more carnivorous dinosaurs to lay siege on the two. Tyrannosaurus suggests a contest with Yummy, to see who can run to the mountaintop first. Yummy finally reaches the mountaintop and sees a group of ankylosaurs, while Tyrannosaurus blocks the pursuers at his last gasp.


Beijing Art Theatre for Children

Beijing Art Theatre for Children Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to Beijing Art Theatre for Children) hung out its shingles on January 16th, 2004. Its predecessor, the Beijing Art Troupe, was set up in 1986. In 2009, the Beijing Art Theatre for Children was merged to become a subordinate of the Beijing Performance & Arts Group, and controlled by Beijing Youth Daily and Beijing Television in joint stock. The three shareholders are respectively a flagship enterprise, a mainstream print medium and a comprehensive television station in the Beijing cultural performance market, jointly providing rich cultural performing arts resource support and strong media support for the future development of the Beijing Art Theatre for Children.