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China Science and Technology Museum

China Science and Technology Museum


Address: No. 5, Beichendonglu, Chaoyang District, BeijingHow to get there: Buses No. 101, 300, 302, 367, 387, 409, 422, 702, 718, 730, 801, 830 to get off at Zhongguokejiguan.Telephone: +86 10 67024559

The museum is a national AAAA tourist attraction, a national patriotic education model base, and a national popular science education base for youngsters. Lying next to Anhua Bridge on the north central axis of Beijing, it is two kilometers away for the city center, and is accessible by many buses.

It is a comprehensive national science and technology museum. The museum is a large scientific education infrastructure for implementing the strategy of 'boosting national power with scientific education and talents', raising the scientific and cultural quality of the entire nation, teaching science to the public, and improving the morality of young people. These are mainly done by means of regular and short-term themed exhibitions. These interesting and interactive exhibitions demonstrate scientific principles and their technological applications, and enable visitors to have hands-on experiences. In this way, in addition to teaching knowledge, it may cultivate a scientific way of thinking and doing things.

The museum runs various kinds of training courses and experiment programs which help to hone visitors' practical skills and abilities. It also organizes a variety of popular science activities. At present the museum has a floor space of 43,000 square meters. It is divided into three sections. Section A consists of a regular main exhibition hall and a popular science lecture hall; Section B, a 360-degree-screen cinema; and Section C, a children's scientific amusement park and a hall for short-term themed exhibitions. The regular main exhibition hall in Section A mainly shows major fields driving the growth of the national economy and new scientific and technological trends of the new century. The fields are: aviation and space flight, energy and transportation, materials and machinery, information technology, life sciences, environmental science, and basic science. The exhibition is rich and up-to-date, with exhibits demonstrating the principles and application of basic science and those reflecting frontier science and high technology.

Science and Technology in Ancient China shows the Chinese people's brilliant achievements in a number of fields over thousands of years with displays of traditional techniques. It is important for carrying forward the national spirit and for patriotic education.

The 360-degree-screen cinema in Section B, one of the largest of its kind in the world, represents the latest in cinematographic technology. The huge screen and hi-fi sound system produce a sense of reality and superb enjoyment.

The Children's Scientific Amusement Park in Section C is specially tailored for children between ages 3 and 10. Here, led by curiosity, they can have amusing hands-on experiences of basic scientific principles while playing. This is a wonderful way to develop their potential by triggering their imagination and cultivating their ability to solve problems and invent.

Featured Attractions: Exhibits include breakthroughs in sciences like life science, environmental science, acoustics and telecommunications, energy and transportation, new synthetic material and its manufacturing technology etc. The glory of ancient China scientific achievements is also showcased in the museum. Devices that are interactive abounds. People can get first-hand experience with the state-of-art technologies.


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