Longtan Valley

Longtan Valley


Longtan Valley located in Yunmeng Wonderland Scenic Area. Opened to public in 1998, this area has the best floating activity in North Beijing, Longtan Valley and Guigu House.

Longtan Valley is about 4,000 meters long and 700 meters deep, the narrowest place of the valley is about 25 meters and the valley was formed by nature. In the dry season, there are streams while there are waterfalls in the wet season. There are Zizyphus jujubes, grapes, kiwi fruits and 300 other kinds of wild plants here.

1 Pools. There are 36 pools of different sizes and variety forms like Riyue Pool, Mochi Pool, Yulong Pool, Qixing Pool, Meihua Pool, Yuanyang Pool, Longxin Pool, Xianren Pool, Dingdong Pool and so on.

2 Beishiguo Waterfall

Located at the eastern part of the scenic place, there is a waterfall as high as 50 meters.

3 Zhenyao Stone

There is a huge stone at the middle part of the scenic place which is about 20 meters long and 5 meters wide.

3 Luhua Valley

Luhua Valley is located at the end of Longtan Valley. It is about 2,000 meters long, 600 meters deep and the narrowest part of the valley is only about 2 or 3 meters wide. The valley is covered with reeds while both sides of the valley feature steep cliffs.
