The Winter of Beijing

The Winter of Beijing



Beijing’s winter is rather cold, especially when wind blows. In central and south China, you may not usually experience strong winds; but in Beijing, this often happens. Some Chinese think Beijing has the characteristic of a tough young man, but south China feels more like a graceful lady. In winter, it snowed heavily in the past and still snows heavily sometimes. The trees, roads, villages, hills and even more mountains can be capped by heavy snow, but this won’t usually occur in south and central China. To some extent, it looks like a tough man.



Today’s Beijing seems to be threatened by smog, but its beauty still exists and shows its face.



Nearly everyone loves the open clear sky, and this happens in Beijing too during the winter. If wind comes, the sky will open and turn crystal clear. If you walk out of your home or lodge, you will feel the strong pulse of the bitterly cold winter. You may feel like being slammed in the face by a sharp knife named strong wind if you advance against it.
