Legend of Jade Cabbage

Legend of Jade Cabbage


Long time ago, there was a man named Yu Shengxiang, who lived with his mother on Dali Street. His mother, Yu Daniang, was old and one day, she was badly ill and could not even walk. To cure his mother, Yu Shengxiang looked for doctors everywhere but no one can do anything to help his mother as her was seriously ill.

One night, Yu Shengxiang was fell in sleep after caring his mother for a whole day. Then he met an old man wearing white beard who said to him: “You are a great son and you did a great job. So I want to tell you that if you go down the Red Dragon Well to the end, you’ll see a stone door, then knock three times and enter when the door opens. After zig and zag, you’ll find there is a jade cabbage. You can tell the Red Dragon about your experience and ask him for a pieces of cabbage. Then your mother will be saved. Good luck!

Yu Shengxiang waked up and followed the guide of the man in his dream and took a piece of cabbage back to home. As soon as he putted the cabbage to her mouth, his mother got well immediately.
