A reporter from China.org.cn interviewed several tattoo enthusiasts and artists in Beijing to learn more about their experiences in the world of tattoos. Here are a few photos of some of the distinctive tattoo art pieces the reporter discovered in Hengci Tattoo Studio and in other areas of Beijing.
A Japanese style tattoo done by Nie Chaoheng, owner of Hengci Tattoo Studio. [Photo by Li Xiaohua / China.org.cn]
A reporter from China.org.cn doing an interview with Nie Chaoheng, a tattoo artist and shop owner. [Photo by Li Xiaohua / China.org.cn]
A tattoo artist completing a design on paper before tracing it on a client. [Photo by Li Xiaohua / China.org.cn]
A tattoo artist in Hengci Tattoo Studio editing a design in preparation to do a tattoo.[Photo by Li Xiaohua / China.org.cn]
Variety of tattoo inks. [Photo by Li Xiaohua / China.org.cn]
Two friends congratulate each other after getting their first tattoos. [Photo by Li Xiaohua / China.org.cn]
Tattoo enthusiast Zhu Zhuo shows China.org.cn reporter his sleeve tattoo, which took more than 50 hours to complete. [Photo by Li Xiaohua / China.org.cn]
Source: china.org.cn