Olympic Green Tennis Center

Olympic Green Tennis Center


Olympic Green Tennis Center is the gymnasium where the tennis match both of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. It situated in Olympic Green. The area of the center is about 16.68 hectares and the building area is 26,514 square meters.

According the standards of tennis match, there are 6 practice courses and 10 match courses with 17,400 banquet table. Besides these courses, there also a central match course and 2 main match course.

Central Course

Central Course also named Lotus course, it is a dodecagon with 12 bleachers. It looks like a lotus flower with 12 pedals in the Olympic Green and this is also why it called lotus course.

Yingyue Course

The No. 1 course named Yingyue (Moonlight), has 40,000 seats here.

Address: No. 2 Lincui Road, Chaoyang District朝阳区林萃路2号


Take Subway Line 8 to Lincuilu Station and walk to the center.
