Have a Tour to Happy Magic Water Cube Park

Have a Tour to Happy Magic Water Cube Park


Located on Xiaotun Road, Fengtai District, Happy Magic Water Cube Park costed a hefty investment of 1 billion RMB and is able to receive 30,000 visitors at a time. It is equipped with 18 main recreational facilities and 50 different slides. It is claimed to be the top water park in the world and on the largest-scale globally, the most advanced entertainment facilities as well as the maximum equipment.

Happy Magic Water Cube Park was carefully designed by a top international scenic spot design company. It was built as the first water park of China that mixes up Chinese traditional architecture style with high-tech water entertainment projects, the traditional Chinese architecture with the modern American breath-taking water entertainment facilities and a European classical spa concepts. It has the largest tsunami wave-made pool in the world, breathtaking tornado chute, exciting peak speed slide and the largest dark vortex project in Asia, which made it the most passionate and dynamic giant aquatic paradise.


1. Tornado

In the water park, "tornado" is the most popular among with the youth. The entrance is 20 meters high, when starts, tourists need to grasp the hovercraft and then dash down all the way, when washed into a gigantic megaphone, tourists can fully experience the fun of weightlessness, just like caught up in a tornado, and they can do nothing but scream out loudly.

2. Crazy Tsunami

It is the world's largest surfing pool that can accommodate ten thousand people surfing at the same time! When the craziest three-meter waves sweep through, people will follow the waters ups and downs. It is a sea of joy, and you can release pressure to the fullest with the cheerful music.

3. Peak Speed

Imagine the feeling that you are fall into the water from 19 meters high. It is the feeling that you are in a high-speed and open-style slide. It is equivalent to fall from a 100-feet cliff and experience weightlessness at the speed of 50 feet per second.

Ticket: 200 RMB, 160 RMB for kids

Add: 11 Xiaotun Road, Fengtai District

How to get there: Take Line 1 on the subway to Yuquanlu Station and come out from Exit D2. Walk to the south to take bus No. 338 or 507 and get off at Meishikou Station.
