Menkuang Hutong

Menkuang Hutong


Located in the famous Dashilan Business Street, Menkuang Hutong is a small hutong which stretches from Langfang Toutiao to Dashilan. It was especially famous for its snacks prior to 1949.

Although it was narrow, it was still a flourishing business street. In the street, there was Tongle Pavilion, an early Beijing theater which came to form Tongle Cinema. It used to be a dining center for old Beijing people. It has Fushun Zhai Spiced Beef Shop enjoy equal popularity with Yuesheng Zhai. There were also various snack stands that sold Quick-Fried Tripe (爆肚), Fermented Soya-bean Milk (豆汁), Cooked Chopped Entrails of Sheep (羊杂碎), Cut Rice Cake (切糕), Tea Soup (茶汤), Gruel of Sweetened (油茶), Refreshment Made from Bean Milk (老豆腐), Jellied Bean Curd (豆腐脑) etc. Thus, Menkuang Hutong was also known as a “Snack Street”. It was most famous for Feng's Boiled Tripe(爆肚冯), Dalian Huoshao (褡裢火烧) of Ruibin Restaurant, Wei’s Cheese (奶酪魏) and Chen’s Stewed Intestine (小肠陈) etc.

As time goes by, Menkuang Hutong Snack Street was nonexistent and the snack stands in the street scattered across Beijing. Except Feng's Boiled Tripe in Langfang Ertiao and Yuesheng Zhai in Dashilan, other restaurants were all kept away from the Menkuang Hutong.

Address: The west side of Qianmen Street, Xicheng District

Bus Route: Take Bus No. 9, 22, 70, 332, 673 to get there
