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发型师不会告诉你的6个真相 Hairdressers Won’t Tell You the 6 Secrets

发型师不会告诉你的6个真相 Hairdressers Won’t Tell You the 6 Secrets


Does the celebrity style that you've been coveting match up with amount of time that you're willing to spend on your hair? Here are 6 things to consider, and points that your stylist likely won't say out loud, before you go in for your next haircut.


1. Great Hair Takes Work. Sorry.


On some level, if you want your hair to look good it's going to take some work. Unless you have perfect hair, with great body, beautiful thickness, and absolutely no issues whatsoever, you will need to do something with your hair to make it look like that photo you brought in. By the way, I'm pretty sure that the aforementioned perfect hair doesn't really exist.


2. Surprise! Celebrities Have Hair Just Like You


Celebrities are born just as human as you and me, with one exception when it comes to hair. Celebrities hire teams of stylists, use extensions, wigs, top of the line hair products and processes that cost a fortune. Unless you're willing to pay those kind of prices, it's probably not realistic to have celebrity perfect hair everyday.


3. You Want Wash and Go Hair? Me too.


The truth is, very few people on this planet have wash and go hair. Many people look like they do (like the girl you work with whose hair is perfect all day long), but they have to work at it. They experiment with the right shampoo, get regular haircuts, try out new styling techniques, and they probably use product in their hair. By the way, we all secretly hate the girl with the perfect all day hair. It's okay.


4. You Need to Use Hair Products


If you don't want to use product in your hair, don't expect your hair to look like you did. Have you ever noticed how many products your stylist uses during your haircut/blowout? If you're still using Panteen ProV and Aqua net, it's time to find out why professional products are superior and will actually help you achieve salon hair everyday. Bottom line: new professional products are awesome and could give you a brand new appreciation for your hair.


5. Change is Good. Embrace Change.


If you ask for a new look, but style your hair the same way you always have, you will likely not be happy with your hair's result. In fact, it will probably look like it always did. A haircut is simply the foundation to a great look. Styling is key. Ask your stylist for advice on properly styling your new cut.


6. If at First You Don't Succeed, Try Try Again


Practice makes perfect. Try new things with your hair and re-try them when you don't get it right the first time. Trust me, even hairstylist have a hard time blowing out their own hair, and it takes some skill to learn to curl your hair with a flat iron. Rome wasn't built in a day, neither is great hair.




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