Viewing Chinese Flowering Crabapples in Yuan Dynasty Wall Relics Park

Viewing Chinese Flowering Crabapples in Yuan Dynasty Wall Relics Park


Yuan Dynasty City Wall Relics Park. The park is built on the original city wall relics in Yuan Dynasty. It is the longest linear park in Beijing. The north section is the city wall protection area and the south section is the plantation area with flowers, trees and grass scattered with pavilions, sculptures and murals.

Every year the park will hold its Chinese Flowering Crabapple Festival, which will draw thousands of visitors to appreciate the grand view of over 2000 flowering Chinese Crabapple trees with a dozen of varieties.

The Crabapple flower has been called the "Angel Flower" since ancient times. They are usually in full blossom in middle to late April. What is noteworthy is that the Crabapple Flower Festival here is one of the three most popular flower festivals in Beijing, along with the Peach Flower Festival in the Botanical Garden and the Cherry Flower Festival in the Yuyuantan Park.

Best time to watch: March to April

Admission: Free

How to get there: Take Bus No. 392, 375, 902, 22, 38, 331 to get there
