Camera Stylo Weekend Screening

Camera Stylo Weekend Screening


Saturday February 20th 7:30pm

Carnage (EUR)

Sometimes relationships don’t go so well, and this film is about a seemingly innocuous dispute about school bullying which sets two couples at each other’s throats, revealing a myriad of hidden nasties in their relationships. Not a romance at all, but a sort of de-romanticizing exercise. Tough stuff to watch, but fantastic performances. This stage-play adaptation gives the actors the sort of dialogue they can really get their teeth into.

Saturday February 20th 10:00pm

Survive Style 5+ (JPN)

This bizarre Japanese film by a former advertising executive shows how seemingly random events can connect lives. There are some truly weird relationship dynamics, including a man who repeatedly tries to kill his wife, and fails every time. Visually arresting, almost like a music video, the film is punchy, fast-paced and increasingly strange (there is even an appearance by Britain’s favorite gangster Vinnie Jones…) Late night weirdness.

Sunday February 21st 7:30pm

In the Mood for Love (CHN)

What could be more romantic than this moody piece by Wong Kar-Wai, with its slow moving, sensuous pace and its gorgeous, dreamy photography? And yet, at the same time it’s a romance without substance; the married lovers refuse to let themselves be unfaithful, and they have to be content with thoughts and barely concealed feelings. Like Brief Encounter, but much sexier, more glamorous, and set in Hong Kong.

Address: No. 64 Dongsi Shiyi Tiao, Dongcheng District东城区东四十一条64号


Tel: 18811715156

