Hathpace of Xuanyuan

Hathpace of Xuanyuan


Hathpace of Xuanyuan is the tomb of Hang Di in Beijing is situated in the Pinggu District, east of Beijing. Hathpace of Xuanyuan, the birthplace of the Chinese Forefather Emperor, Huangdi; the oldest astronomical observatory; Han Gu Pass, the earliest pass in history, the White Horse Temple, the earliest temple; Shaolin Temple, the place of origin of Shaolin martial arts and the First Temple in China and the Xiangguo Temple. Hathpace of Xuanyuan is a good place to visit Jiulong Mountain, visitors are able to boating, fishing, and shopping near the Hathpace of Xuanyuan. There are Yahuan Mountain, Hudong Lake and Feilong Gorge and Jinhai Lake.

Hathpace of Xuanyuan in Beijing is situated in the Pinggu District, east of Beijing. The famous poets both Chen Ziang and Li Bai in the Tang Dynasty once wrote poems at the Yuzi Hill in Pinggu District, chanting the eulogy of the place of Jiqiu and the Hathpace of Xuanyuan. The poem of the former is like this: "Onto Jiqiu I ascended, and I looked northward for the ancient Hathpace of Xuanyuan." and the latter s poem goes like this: "Like a blanket on the Yanshan hill it snows, down on the Hathpace of Xuanyuan the wind blows".

Traffic: Take Bus No. 918 from Dongzhimen and get off at Zhuangzhen Stop

Source: chinahotel.com.cn
