Vineyard Cafe

Vineyard Cafe


Strolling through the hutongs with the shade of trees on the weekend, when you think to find a place to rest, the Vineyard Café appears. When you sit down, you should first order a part of a beef hamburger accompanied by salad or potato chips. Both hamburger and chips are delicious, the beef tastes mellow with rich gravy. The bread of the hamburger is baked there, the flour clings to the bread and attracts diner’s appetites. The Mediterranean Pizza is thin and crispy, and it feels like eating crackers filled with cheeses.

Then drink a glass of Mojito, the mint aroma and the cold taste of cold will let you experience the cold from outside to your insides and gently soothe you.

The Caesar salad is a must-order. It tastes fresh with bacon, lettuce and lizzie eggs instead of fish sauce. The flavor of cheese will arouse your appetite for the next dishes.

Unless the Thai restaurant, few restaurants can make such authentic Thai shrimp roll. Wrapped with shrimp, the cortex tastes crisp dip with the sweet chili sauce. Baked potato skin is one of the specialties of the restaurant, and it the greasy of “bake” with yogurt sauce.Address: No. 31 Wudaoying HutongTel: 010-64027961
