Museum of Ancient Architecture

Museum of Ancient Architecture


Beijing's Museum of Ancient Architecture, located at No. 21 Dongjing Road, Xicheng District, was formally opened in September 1991. It is the only museum in China displaying China's architectural-cultural tradition in a comprehensive, systematic way. The museum is housed inside Xiannong Temple - aka, the Altar of the God of Agriculture - which was the Imperial Palace's official offerings site during the Ming (CE 1368-1644) and Qing (CE 1644-1911) Dynasties. Xiannong Temple is dedicated to the cult of Shennong, a legendary ruler reputed to have invented the plough, and who, it is also claimed, discovered the healing properties of plants.

With its 500-year-long history, Beijing's Museum of Ancient Architecture consists of the primary hall, the Altar to the Year God, as well as several secondary halls such as the Platform for Observing the Harvest, the Temple of Loyalty and the Emperor's Dressing Room, whose purpose will be briefly described below. In addition to these - but not described below - the museum includes the following secondary halls: the Divine Granary (for storing the five grains used in the offerings ceremonies) and the Palace of Celebrating Completion, where the pre-offerings fast was carried out during the Ming Dynasty period. Beijing's Museum of Ancient Architecture is a treasure-trove of ancient architectural styles and traditions.

The purpose of the primary hall, the Altar to the Year God, is for carrying out offerings to the plant Jupiter, while the secondary halls on either side of the primary hall are for carrying out offerings to the Deities of the 12 Lunar Months. The Platform for Observing the Harvest is where the Emperor, on the occasion of the Spring Equinox, would observe the princes and ministers engaged in a bit of hands-on farming, but only after the emperor himself had led the way by plowing several furrows of land. Far from being a mockery of the toils of lowly agricultural laborers, this annual ceremony was a symbolic gesture designed to bestow dignity upon the agricultural laborer, and thus to demonstrate the vital importance of agriculture to the country.

The Temple of Loyalty was built in memory of the 72 martyrs who died in an uprising at Huanghuagang in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. The Emperor's Dressing Room is where the Emperor changed into ceremonial robes prior to the offerings ceremonies.

In additon, Beijing's Museum of Ancient Architecture has a number of exhibits devoted to drawings, photos, and other illustrations that trace and highlight the development of architecture in China down through the ages.

How to Get There: From the center of Beijing, take bus No. 15, then get off at Nanweilu bus stop.

Ticket Price: 15 RMB

