Beijing Ancient Architecture Museum

Beijing Ancient Architecture Museum


Beijing Ancient Architecture Museum is located within the Xiannong Temple Complex, which was built during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Beijing Ancient Architecture Museum is a theme museum devoted to the preservation, study and exhibition of ancient hostorical Chinese architecture, culture, technology, and art.

With a history of more than 600 years and an area of over 120 hectares, the Xiannong Temple was originally named as Shanchuan Temple,and built in 1420 AD, when Zhudi, the third Emperor of the Ming Dynasty relocated the capital to Beijing. It was situated to the south of the royal palace at the west of the city axis, facingthe Temple of Heavenin the east, and was renamed as Xiannong Temple in 1576 AD.

Currently Xiannong Temple is the sole royal temple to commemorate Xiannong, the God of Agriculture in China. It is a building complex worshipping the God of Agriculture, the God of Mountains, Taisui, and other deities.

In 1988, Beijing Ancient Architecture Museum was founded by the Beijing Municipal government on the site of Xiannong Temple. The museum has been officially open since September 1991. There are all-year exhibitions such as those of Ancient Chinese Architecture, History and Culture of Beijing Xiannong Temple, and architecture model display of the ancient altar. In the year 2001, Xiannong Temple was identified as a Key National Historical Site in China.

Shenchu (Sacred Kitchen) Courtyard: This isthe placeto preserve and make sacrifice. The major hall has the memorial tablet for the God of Agriculture. The east wing-room is for the storage of sacrifices, while the west wing-room is sacred kitchen. There is a well and a pavilion on the two sides of the sacred kitchen.

Couryard of Zaisheng Pavilion: The major building is a pavilion with double-tiered wings. Inside is a rectangle pool in the center, which is used for the washing of sacrifices.

Guangeng Platform: This is the platform on which the Emperor will watch the performance of the tilling ceremony. It is a classical tiered base construction.

Jufu Hall: This isthe placefor the Emperor to change clothes situating at the north of Guangeng Platform

Shencang (Scared Storage House) Courtyard: The Sacred Storage House was hailed as the Supreme Storage House of China. It was located to the north-east of Guangeng Platform, the place is for storage of crops and consists of a major gate, Shougu Pavilion, the barn, the house of stone rollers, and the sacred storage house. All crops stored there were used as sacrifices in ceremonies.

Qingcheng Palace: This is a palace complex on the south and east side of Shencang Courtyard used for repose and ceremony of largess bestowment. It consists of the palace gate, inner palace gate, major hall, back hall, and two wing halls on the west and east sides.

Courtyard of Taisui Hall: It is the place to worship Taisui and other deities. The major hall worships Taisui. There is a minor hall in the south and two wing halls on the east and west sides, all within the red-colored wall of the courtyard. The Courtyard of Taisui Hall is one of the few classical architecture works of the Ming dynasty.

Sacrifice Burner: On the south-east side of Taisui Hall, it is the place for the burning of sacrifices.

Diti Altar: The original altar has been destroyed. There are nine stone mountain shrines, which have been removed to the south-west corner of Taisui Hall.

Since 1911, when the Qing Dynasty came to an end, Xiannong Temple, as a royal temple, has experienced great vicissitudes. It was once used as a park, market, school and even factory. In 1987, Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage carried a comprehensive rescue project, and established Beijing Ancient Architecture Museum, which has also received grants form World Heritage Fund of UN.

Since its establishment 20 years ago, Beijing Ancient Architecture Museum has renovated the architectural complex, collected architectural relics and photos of historical building, built architectural models, held Chinese architectural exhibitions and organized relevant cultural activities. The museum has become a venue for education, ex-curricular activities and cultural events. Some exhibitions have been taken to Canada, Singapore and Macao.

Open: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Tel: +86 10 6304 5608

Admission: RMB 15

Address: 21 Xiannong Altar, Dongjing Road, Xicheng district

Transportation: Bus No. 15, 17, 25,105, and 110
