The Giant Who Chased the Sun

The Giant Who Chased the Sun


The sun is extremely hot, and no one has ever touched it before. However, in a Chinese legendary story, this happens. The giant named Kua Fu chased the sun and was dead in the end. In Chinese, we call it Kua Fu Zhui Ri (夸父追日).

In ancient times, there lived a group of mighty giants deep in the forests in the north and Kua Fu was their leader. At that time, the world was desolate and uncultured, infested with vipers and beasts.

In a year when the weather was extraordinarily hot, the plants were scorched, the rivers dried and people were suffering from the intense heat of the sun. Kua Fu swore to catch the sun and tame it to serve for all. The sun moved fleetingly in the sky, while Kua Fu chased it like wind on the ground. When he removed the dust in his shoes, the dust formed a hill; he used three stones to support his boiler when he was cooking, and the stones later became three mountains.

He finally caught up with the sun after nine days and nights. However, the sun was so scorching that he felt thirsty and tired and went to the Yellow River and the Wei River to quench his thirst. But the water from these two rivers was not sufficient to satisfy him and he decided to go to the Great Lake to drink its water. Before he got there he died of thirst on the way.

Before his death, Kua Fu cast his walking stick away, andthe placeit fell off immediately grew a huge lush peach forest. The forests are flourishing all year round, which provided shade and peaches for passersby and hard-working people to quench thirst.
