Five-dragon Pavilion in Beihai


The pavilions were built in the 30th year(1602)of the Wanli Period of the Ming Dynasty. The middle is Longze Pavilion, the left are Yongrui Pavilion and Fucui Pavilion, and the right are Chengxiang Pavilion and Zixiang Pavilion. They used to be places where the emperor, the empress and close courtiers fished and enjoyed the moon. In the 28th year(1763) of the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, the wooden bridge was rebuilt into a stone bridge with bluestone breast boards and columns. In the 26th year(1900)of the Guangxu period, theboards and columns were destroied by the Eight-Power Allied Forces. The pavilions were restored in 1974. The pavilion have become a place for people to look at the White Pagoda and Beihai Lake and have a rest.
