Legend story of Chinese King of Medicine - Sun Simiao


It is said that Sun Simiao, the King of Medicine in ancient times, was suddenly blocked by a tiger in the mountains. The strange thing is that the tiger did not pounce on him, but crouched on the ground with its mouth wide open, looking at Sun Simiao in pain. Sun Simiao slowly approached the tiger and saw a large animal bone sticking into the tiger's throat.

Sun wanted to help it remove the bone, but he was worried that the tiger would suddenly close its mouth due to pain and then break his arm. So he took off the copper ring from the medicine box and put it into the tiger's mouth to brace the tiger's mouth. Then he put his hand through the ring into the tiger's mouth and quickly pulled out the bone, and applied ointment to the wound.

When he removed the brass ring from the tiger's mouth, the tiger nodded repeatedly as if to thank the benevolent doctor. From then on, the ring was transformed into a hand bell, which became a symbol of herb collection. The doctors would take it with them when they went out to collect herbs, indicating that they were the students of the King of Medicine.

Translated by LIU Yu
