Instant-boiled mutton, must-eat food during winter


As the weather gets cold, here in Beijing, instant-boiled mutton will again become predominant on the dining tables.

The origins of "boiled meat" can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty. During the Qing Dynasty, hot pot was already highly popular. Kangxi and Qianlong, the two Manchu rulers, held four grand banquets and each were equipped with hot pot. It is recorded that one of them used around 1,550 hot pots, making it the world's largest hot pot banquet.

The copper saucepan is the most recognizable sign of traditional Beijing hot pot. The copper pot conducts heat swiftly, has a wide chamber, and may be filled with adequate charcoal; the basic ingredient of soup base is plain water with green onions, ginger, and wolfberry. This base is seemingly simple, but it can remain the flavor of the meat to maximum, giving the eaters the best experience.

Winter represents frigid temperature and people need to eat food which can help they resist coldness, nourish Yin and replenish Yang. Higher-calorie dishes such as mutton, duck and children are more favored by people in winter, since cooked with Chinese herbs these dishes are believed to keep people warm and strength their energy.

Having a dish of sliced mutton accompanied with a bowl of sesame paste, Beijingers could spend a whole day in front of the copper pot!
