This exhibition systemizes and reproduces Ma Jianfeng’s works in stages over the last two years. He continues using highly saturated acrylic paint and materials such as waste paper board, wooden case and plastic cloth. These are employed to create individual, fragmented, separable and reconfigurable objects. Different from his previous works, he starts to engage with and transform more diverse found objects. Most importantly, he proactively injects volume into flat painting materials that used to rely on the being of wall. Consequently, they are endowed with the validity of existing independently in the space and become open to the possibility of interacting flexibly with one another.
Learn more about Ma Jianfeng:
Date: July 9 – Sept 4
time: 10am - 6pm
Every day except Monday.
Location: A3 Space Red Area, Caochangdi Art District, Chaoyang district
北京市朝阳区草场地艺术区红一号A3 应空间
Tel: 5127-3153