The Summer Palace sets up a snow rink for the first time


Zaojiantang Lake on the west side of the West Embankment of the Summer Palace has changed its usual appearance of clear flowing water, and has been transformed into a “Snow World”, which is the snow rink for the activity of “Meet at the Summer Palace during the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics”. 20,000 square meters of snow was used to bring a unique winter experience to the public and visitors. The snow field of 20,000 square meters brings the unique joy of winter to the public visitors.

According to reports, in order to boost the cultural activities of the Winter Olympics city, let the public and tourists feel the fun of ice and snow activities, the Summer Palace set up snow recreation projects for the first time this year. So that citizens and tourists can experience the charm of ice and snow sports without going out of the capital.

There are snow slides, ice mazes, snow slides, snow yo-yo, snow tanks, electric dog sleds and other projects in the snow park. Among them, the snow loop slide is the snow park's star project. Standing at the top of the snow slide, you can get a full view of Kunming Lake. The snow slide in the Summer Palace is the largest in the city, measuring 6 meters high with 48 snow lanes.

The Summer Palace Snow Park is located in the western part of the Summer Palace, close to the west gate, making it easy for visitors to reach. The snow park is adjacent to the west embankment of the 300,000 square meter Kunming Lake Ice Park. It takes 7 or 8 minutes to reach the "Yi Fei" cafe, where you can take a break when you are tired of playing.

The snow park is open from January 23 to February 15 (depending on weather conditions), with daily ticket sales from 8:30-16:00 and site-clearing at 17:00. The entrance ticket to the snow park is 40 RMB.

The total amount of visitors to the snow park is controlled and limited, and 75% passenger flow control is carried out. When there is a large increase of visitors, ticket sales are slowed down in advance when the visitor volume reaches 60%. When the visitors are close to the maximum saturation, ticket sales are suspended.

In terms of epidemic prevention and control, all the snow park staff are vaccinated as required, and wear masks and gloves on duty. Daily health monitoring is carried out. Each day before the operation, the snow park is fully disinfected, and all snow rings and other facilities are disinfected in batches.

Due to the arrangement of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the Summer Palace will be closed for the whole day on February 3 and 4, 2022, so please make travel arrangements in advance.

Source: Beijing Daily
